Streaming Content: By Subject
By Subject
Streaming films, music and more can be found by title in OneSearch.
Academic Video Online delivers 66,000+ titles through Alexander Street, spanning the widest range of subject areas including anthropology, business, education, film, humanities, health sciences, history, music, psychology, science, theatre, visual art, and more.
Audio Cine Films thousands of feature films from Disney, Touchstone, Pixar, DreamWorks, Illumination, Sony, Columbia, Tristar, Screen Gems, Universal, MGM, Lionsgate, United Artists, Marvel and more. Our public performance license permits non-educational use/entertainment purposes and covers all activities by registered students and current employees on campus and through distance-learning. All events must be free of charge, and the agreement does not cover outdoor movie events, fundraisers or events involving the public at large.
Criterion-On-Demand thousands of feature films from Paramount, Warner Brothers, 20th Century Studios, Searchlight, Elevation, Sony Pictures Classics, Mongrel Media, Alliance, Miramax, Lionsgate, eOne, National Geographic as well as a smaller number of independent producers. Films include 1920 classics, new releases, foreign films, literary adaptations, documentaries, animated titles, and independent features. Didn't find your film? You can search the entire catalogue and request that the library add it to our subscription. Our public performance license permits non-educational use/entertainment purposes. Films can be shown anywhere on campus for an audience of primarily students and employees, with some members of the public present. All events must be free of charge and event advertising must be limited to media targeted at the university and its students and staff.
Curio provides institutional access to educational content from CBC and Radio-Canada.
Films on Demand provides access to 40,000+ titles and 300,000+ segments across a variety of disciplines including political science, business and economics, health sciences, history, philosophy, and physical sciences.
Kanopy The library provides access to a small collection of films and documentaries from a variety of independent filmmakers and distributors on the Kanopy platform. Videos can be added by request from instructors.
Ethnographic Video Online streams 1,600+ productions that include ethnographic films, documentaries, and select feature films on topics such as language and culture, social stratification and status, kinship and families, migration and conflict, religion, music, dance, and art.
SAGE Video: Education collection of over 600 films offering a practical view into a full range of teaching settings and situations, from early years to educational leadership, to support students needing to understand theory or how to apply it in practice.
LibriVox free public domain audiobooks. "Acoustical liberation" of books in the public domain, LibriVox has over 15,000 audiobooks read by volunteers.
ProQuest One Literature provides access to 2,300+ audio and video items that are relevant to studies in literature, literary criticism, and performance art.
Berliner Philharmoniker: Digital Concert Hall not only provides access to hundreds of archived concerts, but also to more than 40 live broadcasts every season.
- Access to the Digital Concert Hall is restricted to Suncor Hall, Tuesdays from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm, for lecture purposes
- Users must first register with this resource while on campus to obtain use and off campus access
- Access is limited to only one user at a time
Dance Online: Dance in Video (AVON) streams nearly 750 videos covering the scope of 20th and 21st century dance. The collection includes performances, documentaries, interviews, and instructional videos from influential performers and companies. This content supports fields of study such as dance history, dance appreciation, choreography, dance composition, and improvisation.
DRAM streams a diverse catalogue of American music from genres such as folk, opera, indigenous music, jazz, classical, early rock, and musical theatre. Musical scholars can access recordings that have largely been ignored by the commercial marketplace.
Music and Performing Arts provides access to 8,000+ videos that focus on performing artists, composers, choreographers, and ensembles from across all time periods and genres. In addition, the resource streams nearly 12.4 million audio tracks. Some of the specific collections are described below.
Music Online: Classical Music Library streams 80,000+ audio tracks of works composed by masters from time periods including renaissance, baroque, pre-classical, classical, and romantic, as well as works form the 20th and 21st centuries
Music Online: Contemporary World Music provides access to nearly 3.1 million audio tracks that represent all regions around the globe. Notable genres in the collection include reggae, world fusion, Balkanic jazz, Arab swing and jazz, Indian classical, fado, flamenco, klezmer, zydeco, and gagaku.
Music Online: Opera in Video contains 200+ videos of documentaries, interviews, and staged opera productions. These resources represent the work of leading performers, conductors, and opera houses around the world.
Music Online: Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries provides access to 3,000+ audio streaming resources that encompass the world's musical and aural traditions. Genres that are represented include folk, ragtime, blues, spiritual, gospel, ballad, and instrumental. In addition, content such as oral history and biography, spoken word, poetry, and drama are included as well.
Naxos Music Library provides streaming access to nearly 2.4 million audio tracks. More than 650 labels are represented in this collection of classical, jazz, blues, rock/pop, and instrumental music.
AccessMedicine Multimedia contains a collection of examination and procedural videos, patient safety modules, audio files, and animations.
Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy streams videos that provide medical and allied health students and practitioners with learning aids that present images of the body in three dimensions.
Bates’ Visual Guide to Physical Examination streams videos that focus on head-to-toe assessments. In addition, there are tutorials designed to test clinical reasoning skills.
NEJM Videos in Clinical Medicine streams videos that are intended to help students, trainees, and younger physicians to learn procedural techniques.
Counseling and Therapy in Video (AVON) contains nearly 350 videos from therapy sessions, training videos, and reenactments conducted by counseling professionals.
Psychology Database provides access to 300+ videos that represent areas of study such as behavioral, clinical, developmental, and social psychology. streams 300+ videos that deal with therapeutic issues such as addiction, anxiety, depression, dissociation, personality disorders, and severe mental illness. Included in this collection are 40+ videos that focus solely on social work.
Columbia International Affairs Online provides access to 200+ videos that cover fields of study such as geopolitics, foreign policy, international relations, public health, and global security.
Digital Theatre + provides over 1000 current, full-length theatre productions and educational resources in collaboration with over 50 world-class theatre companies, including the Royal Shakespeare Company, L.A. Theatre Works, Australian National Theatre, Stratford Festival, and many more.
National Theatre Collection through Drama Online with 70 filmed performances from 10 years of London's National Theatre productions.
Theatre in Video contains nearly 500 productions that focus on the performance of the world's leading plays. Included as well are documentaries on the subject of theatre, as well as interviews with directors, designers, writers, and actors.
National Gallery of Art contains both audio and visual streaming productions and series that focus on the celebrated collections and exhibitions of the Washington, DC, gallery.
Request a Purchase
Is there a film you need for a course? The Library can purchase streaming videos or DVDs to assist with teaching and learning.
Request a Purchase
DVD Digitization Service
For online and remote course delivery, the Library has partnered with CITL & ITS to provide a digitization service for films when a streaming version is unavailable to license. We may be able to digitize a non-infringing copy that is not protected by digital locks; one that is owned by the library or provided to us by an Instructor.
Access to the streaming version is made available through Brightspace using CITL's secure, responsive and password protected server. The digital version is destroyed once the course has ended.
Once the DVD has been digitized, you will be provided with an embed code that can be added to your Brightspace shell.
For more information, please contact your branch:
- Queen Elizabeth II Library -
- Health Sciences Library -
- Grenfell Library -
- Marine Institute Library -
- Education Library -
- Music Resource Centre -
Copyright & Playing Films
Canadian Copyright law allows universities to play a film in the classroom provided that the viewing is:
- for educational purposes
- located on campus (or virtual learning space, i.e. Brightspace)
- for an audience of primarily students and employees of the University
- a legitimately obtained copy (i.e. legally purchased, available through the library)
- and no admission is charged
Screenings for other purposes, such as fund-raisers, on campus are not covered under this education exception. Personal streaming services (like Netflix) are generally not permitted to be played in the classroom. There may be some exceptions, such as a limited number of documentaries on Netflix made available under a special education license.
All of the streaming films the library subscribes to can be used for teaching and learning purposes, shared in Brightspace or incorporated into learning materials. We have Public Performance Rights licenses with Audio-Cine and Criterion that permit additional uses. For more information please contact a copyright librarian.
Copyright Help
Have a question about copyright?
The Library is responsible for copyright management at Memorial University. Please check out our Copyright Help pages, or contact a Copyright Librarian for assistance.
Course Reserves
Want to create a list of streaming audio or video resources for your students? Its easy to do using the library's online Course Reserves service. We can link to streaming content, podcasts, YouTube videos, and more. Plus, we take care of any copyright clearance.